Business Duck "STARDUCK"

Business at the start of the general knowledge about the duck, the duck farm, the making of duck feed, retail sales & duck eggs and duck franchaise kedai la cuisine duck "Starduck" since 1999, formerly known by name of "ALABIO"

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Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Sejak tahun 1999 sudah mengembangkan usaha peternakan bebek, pakan bebek di Cirebon, penjualan bebek potong ke Jakarta, membuka usaha pemotongan bebek di daerah Cijantung dan Depok dengan menampung beberapa pedagang bebek kaki lima. Selain itu, pernah membuka 3 kedai masakan bebek di daerah Cililitan, Alternatif Cibubur, dan Margonda Depok, dengan nama Kedai Bebek ALABIO. Efektif tahun 2006 usaha tersebut diatas/kedai berhenti bertepatan dengan timbulnya kasus flu burung. Kegiatan usaha yang masih berjalan hingga kini peternakan dan produksi tepung ikan serta pakan konsentrat bebek di cirebon.

About Me

East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Since 1999 the business has developed a duck farm, feed ducks in Cirebon, the sale of duck pieces to Jakarta, a duck-cutting efforts in the area of Depok Cijantung and with a few traders at the pavement. In addition, once a 3 stall in the local cuisine duck Cililitan, Alternative Cibubur, and Margonda Depok, with the name of Bebek ALABIO Store. Effective in 2006 the business over / stop shop coincided with the occurrence of cases of bird flu. Business activities are still running until now and livestock production and fish meal in duck feed concentrate cirebon.
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